Sow Bug Exterminator

Sow bugs are small land crustaceans with oval bodies, and look quite similar to pill bugs. When you have sow bugs or pill bugs in your home, it indicates high moisture conditions. Moisture contributes to other problems including wood rot, mildew and breeding environment for many species of insects.

We exterminate sow bugs in your home using a lot of practical methods to reduce the moisture and humidity level indoors as well as increasing ventilation in your home. We also make use of chemicals and caulking gun to close out any cracks or crevices around your ground level.  We pay close attention to houses  where the concrete slab is poured directly on the ground, as they tend to have more sow/pill bug problems, if a moisture barrier is absent under the concrete.

We will also give tips to the homeowner as to how to prevent re-occurrence of the bugs, such as avoiding built-in planters, window box planters and planter boxes on decks as these are good breeding homes for bugs. We also advice homeowners to get weather-stripped doors, stay alert for obvious moisture problems and to keep soil levels below the structural woods around the house.
